
Tag Documents With Reference Code

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Pre-process text to be searched. Create a dictionary of search terms Search pre-processed text for terms in the dictionary. CodeTableSplit onCommaUniqueListText tomatchConvert stringto KNIMEdocumentconverteverything tolower caselowercaseTag alloccurance ofdictionary wordas aNamed Entity (NE)value (LOCATION)Filter outanything nottagged asNE(LOCATION)Extract identifiedtermsConvert termsto stringMatchedCoderemove diacriticsConsolidatecodes into a setper originatingdocumentPre-processedDocumentsRemoveexcesscolumns Table Creator Cell Splitter Ungroup Table Creator Strings to Document Case Converter String Manipulation Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Term to String Joiner Diacritic Remover GroupBy Document Viewer Column Filter Pre-process text to be searched. Create a dictionary of search terms Search pre-processed text for terms in the dictionary. CodeTableSplit onCommaUniqueListText tomatchConvert stringto KNIMEdocumentconverteverything tolower caselowercaseTag alloccurance ofdictionary wordas aNamed Entity (NE)value (LOCATION)Filter outanything nottagged asNE(LOCATION)Extract identifiedtermsConvert termsto stringMatchedCoderemove diacriticsConsolidatecodes into a setper originatingdocumentPre-processedDocumentsRemoveexcesscolumns Table Creator Cell Splitter Ungroup Table Creator Strings to Document Case Converter String Manipulation Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Term to String Joiner Diacritic Remover GroupBy Document Viewer Column Filter


