
test nested loops_​2

data: calibrations series for various compoundsexpressed as detection "area"task: find good linear dynamic range for each detectorsignal (correlation value > 0.99) Node 2Node 11Node 13Node 15Node 172choose, if higher concentrations must be eliminated Node 208Node 230purpose to solve error message for Loop end column append (Loop has same rowID in each iteration)Node 234 2D/3D Scatterplot Column ListLoop Start Column Filter Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex) Table Creator Java IF (Table) End IF Joiner RowID loop to filter nonlinear concentrations check if correlationvalue is > 0.99 Loop End (ColumnAppend) data: calibrations series for various compoundsexpressed as detection "area"task: find good linear dynamic range for each detectorsignal (correlation value > 0.99) Node 2Node 11Node 13Node 15Node 172choose, if higher concentrations must be eliminated Node 208Node 230purpose to solve error message for Loop end column append (Loop has same rowID in each iteration)Node 2342D/3D Scatterplot Column ListLoop Start Column Filter Column Rename(Regex) Column Rename(Regex) Table Creator Java IF (Table) End IF Joiner RowID loop to filter nonlinear concentrations check if correlationvalue is > 0.99 Loop End (ColumnAppend)


