
rank blocks - using Cumulative Framework components

rank blocks

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Input port: Input data tableOutput:top port: top input of 2x2 port recursive loop startlower port: lower input of 2x2 port recursive loop start Node 382bring down previous valuegive "block start"a unique "block number"copy down the"block number"rank each itemin a blockclear the rankswhere there wasn't a blocktidy upInput:from 2 port Recursive Loop StartOutput:UPPER: to Cumulative Framework 3LOWERLOWER:: to RULES AND CALCSInput:UPPER: from Cumulative Framework 2LOWER: from RULES/CALCSOutput:to 3 port Recursive Loop Endrules governing "resetting" the new keycalculate the new keyAdd empty "NewKey"columnto be calculatedCumulativeFramework 1 Table Creator Lag Column Rule Engine Missing Value Rank Rule Engine Column Filter RecursiveLoop Start CumulativeFramework 2 CumulativeFramework 3 Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Math Formula ConstantValue Column Input port: Input data tableOutput:top port: top input of 2x2 port recursive loop startlower port: lower input of 2x2 port recursive loop start Node 382bring down previous valuegive "block start"a unique "block number"copy down the"block number"rank each itemin a blockclear the rankswhere there wasn't a blocktidy upInput:from 2 port Recursive Loop StartOutput:UPPER: to Cumulative Framework 3LOWERLOWER:: to RULES AND CALCSInput:UPPER: from Cumulative Framework 2LOWER: from RULES/CALCSOutput:to 3 port Recursive Loop Endrules governing "resetting" the new keycalculate the new keyAdd empty "NewKey"columnto be calculatedCumulativeFramework 1 Table Creator Lag Column Rule Engine Missing Value Rank Rule Engine Column Filter RecursiveLoop Start CumulativeFramework 2 CumulativeFramework 3 Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Math Formula ConstantValue Column


