

For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 row is added, fails, updates older row asinvalid, and new row as valid. Though list price and soldprice did not change, other (non-visible fields) may have,so keep the new row- Scenario 4 fails - two "Valid" rows appear. Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Version 1.0 Version 2.0 Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates - Scenario 5 fails, new sold row does not appear Version 3.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears Version 4.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears- Scenario 6 passes, no duplicate row appearing Version 5.0 Version 6.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears- Scenario 6 passes, no duplicate row appearing- Scenario 7 passes - Scenario 8 (inputting all rows at once) fails Node 2110Node 2112Node 2118Node 2119Node 2122Incremental ImportingList of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2129Node 2130Node 2131Node 2132Incremental ImportingList of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2135Node 2136Node 2137Node 2140Node 2141List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2143Node 2144Incremental ImportingNode 2146Node 2147Node 2148Node 2150Incremental ImportingNode 2152Node 2153Node 2154Node 2155List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2157Incremental ImportingNode 2160List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2162Node 2163Node 2164Node 2165List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2167Node 2168Incremental ImportingNode 2171Node 2172Node 2173Node 2174DB Update (SCD) DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Creator DB Insert Table Creator Table Creator DB Reader DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Table Creator Table Creator Table Creator SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Insert DB Update (SCD) DB Update (SCD) DB Reader DB Insert Table Creator SQLite Connector DB Table Creator Table Creator DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Reader DB Update (SCD) DB Reader Table Creator DB Table Selector SQLite Connector DB Table Creator DB Insert Table Creator DB Reader Table Creator DB Update (SCD) DB Reader Table Creator DB Table Creator DB Insert DB Table Selector SQLite Connector Table Creator DB Table Creator DB Reader Table Creator DB Update (SCD) DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Insert DB Table Selector For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 row is added, fails, updates older row asinvalid, and new row as valid. Though list price and soldprice did not change, other (non-visible fields) may have,so keep the new row- Scenario 4 fails - two "Valid" rows appear. Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Version 1.0 Version 2.0 Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates - Scenario 5 fails, new sold row does not appear Version 3.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears Version 4.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears- Scenario 6 passes, no duplicate row appearing Version 5.0 Version 6.0 For creating initial table or starting fromscratch Result Notes:- Scenario 1 passes, tested as a single row, passes.- Scenario 2 passes, row is added to Incremental Table, passes. - Scenario 3 passes, row is added, fails, updates older row as invalid, andnew row as valid. Though list price and sold price did not change, other(non-visible fields) may have, so keep the new row- Scenario 4 passes with row filter logic updates- Scenario 5 passes, new sold row appears- Scenario 6 passes, no duplicate row appearing- Scenario 7 passes - Scenario 8 (inputting all rows at once) fails Node 2110Node 2112Node 2118Node 2119Node 2122Incremental ImportingList of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2129Node 2130Node 2131Node 2132Incremental ImportingList of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2135Node 2136Node 2137Node 2140Node 2141List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2143Node 2144Incremental ImportingNode 2146Node 2147Node 2148Node 2150Incremental ImportingNode 2152Node 2153Node 2154Node 2155List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2157Incremental ImportingNode 2160List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2162Node 2163Node 2164Node 2165List of Scenariosto Test.Scenarios 1 to 6 are copiedover to "Incremental Importing"Row by Row.Scenario 7 is all rows copied.Node 2167Node 2168Incremental ImportingNode 2171Node 2172Node 2173Node 2174DB Update (SCD) DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Creator DB Insert Table Creator Table Creator DB Reader DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Table Creator Table Creator Table Creator SQLite Connector DB Reader DB Insert DB Update (SCD) DB Update (SCD) DB Reader DB Insert Table Creator SQLite Connector DB Table Creator Table Creator DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Reader DB Update (SCD) DB Reader Table Creator DB Table Selector SQLite Connector DB Table Creator DB Insert Table Creator DB Reader Table Creator DB Update (SCD) DB Reader Table Creator DB Table Creator DB Insert DB Table Selector SQLite Connector Table Creator DB Table Creator DB Reader Table Creator DB Update (SCD) DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Insert DB Table Selector


