

Get Financial data from Google Finance :First, add this file (public_quotation) to your google drive account : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lVo-FfCoYuGHxcnCqklkcchOsONH7hSSDCMbBCHGe8k/edit?usp=sharingOpen the " Google Authentication" Node and click on "Sign in with Google" Then run the workflow to the "Google Sheets Updater" and select the "public_quotation" fileThe wait node is useful for the Google sheet updating time.Then run the "Google Sheets Reader" Node and select the "public_quotation" fileAfter the "Column Rename" Node, you can add a DBConnection to insert the data in a database, or create a file to process the data later. Node 5Node 6Node 647Node 658Node 661Node 662Node 663Node 664Node 665Node 666Node 667Node 668Node 669Node 670 GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsConnection Column Filter Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsReader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable toTable Row Wait... Google SheetsConnection Variable Loop End Java Snippet Column Filter Column Rename Table Creator Get Financial data from Google Finance :First, add this file (public_quotation) to your google drive account : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lVo-FfCoYuGHxcnCqklkcchOsONH7hSSDCMbBCHGe8k/edit?usp=sharingOpen the " Google Authentication" Node and click on "Sign in with Google" Then run the workflow to the "Google Sheets Updater" and select the "public_quotation" fileThe wait node is useful for the Google sheet updating time.Then run the "Google Sheets Reader" Node and select the "public_quotation" fileAfter the "Column Rename" Node, you can add a DBConnection to insert the data in a database, or create a file to process the data later. Node 5Node 6Node 647Node 658Node 661Node 662Node 663Node 664Node 665Node 666Node 667Node 668Node 669Node 670 GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsConnection Column Filter Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsReader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable toTable Row Wait... Google SheetsConnection Variable Loop End Java Snippet Column Filter Column Rename Table Creator


