

Check if there is a next cursor Final results Extract first results SEARCH STRINGNode 128Node 129Node 139Node 140Results LoopNode 142Node 143Node 144Node 146Node 147Node 149Node 152Node 156Node 157Node 158Node 159SEARCH STRINGNode 161Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 166Node 168Node 169Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 179Node 183Node 184First resultsNode 1007Node 1008Final results GET Request JSON Path Ungroup RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Row Filter GET Request Column Filter JSON Path JSON Path Ungroup Row Filter String Manipulation Rule EngineVariable Table Rowto Variable Column Filter Row Filter String Manipulation IF Switch Table Rowto Variable Rule EngineVariable Column Rename String Manipulation Missing Value Column Rename Column Filter End IF String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter Missing Value String to JSON Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter JSON Path Concatenate Check if there is a next cursor Final results Extract first results SEARCH STRINGNode 128Node 129Node 139Node 140Results LoopNode 142Node 143Node 144Node 146Node 147Node 149Node 152Node 156Node 157Node 158Node 159SEARCH STRINGNode 161Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 166Node 168Node 169Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 179Node 183Node 184First resultsNode 1007Node 1008Final results GET Request JSON Path Ungroup RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Row Filter GET Request Column Filter JSON Path JSON Path Ungroup Row Filter String Manipulation Rule EngineVariable Table Rowto Variable Column Filter Row Filter String Manipulation IF Switch Table Rowto Variable Rule EngineVariable Column Rename String Manipulation Missing Value Column Rename Column Filter End IF String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter Missing Value String to JSON Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter JSON Path Concatenate


