
User Wise Report test

Data Processing (1st Step) Variable Creation (2nd Step) Writing the data to P2P Queries and T&E Queries Sheets as per the condition (3rd Step) Looping through variable and coping the template (5th Step) Formatting Header (4th Step) Read inputfile2readuser list58missing LEQRfilegroup by LEQRLEQR loopSort LEQRfilter rows as per variabledatatransformationfilter otherDCTfilter T&EDCTsort columnssort columnsfilter other thanT&E rowsfilter T&Erowswrite toT&E Querieswrite toP2P Queriesloop end46merging variablestemplate fileselectionfile creatorfile path &templatesource URIsource URINode 47137 Excel Reader (XLS) Rule Engine Excel Reader (XLS) XLS Font Formatter XLS Formatter(apply) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) GroupBy Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Sorter Row Filter Metanode Column Filter Column Filter Column Resorter Column Resorter Nominal ValueRow Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End XLS Cell Formatter XLS BackgroundColorizer Merge Variables Local File BrowserConfiguration Create File Name Variable toTable Row String to URI String to URI Copy/Move Files XLS ControlTable Generator XLS ControlTable Generator XLS SheetProperties Data Processing (1st Step) Variable Creation (2nd Step) Writing the data to P2P Queries and T&E Queries Sheets as per the condition (3rd Step) Looping through variable and coping the template (5th Step) Formatting Header (4th Step) Read inputfile2readuser list58missing LEQRfilegroup by LEQRLEQR loopSort LEQRfilter rows as per variabledatatransformationfilter otherDCTfilter T&EDCTsort columnssort columnsfilter other thanT&E rowsfilter T&Erowswrite toT&E Querieswrite toP2P Queriesloop end46merging variablestemplate fileselectionfile creatorfile path &templatesource URIsource URINode 47137 Excel Reader (XLS) Rule Engine Excel Reader (XLS) XLS Font Formatter XLS Formatter(apply) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) GroupBy Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Sorter Row Filter Metanode Column Filter Column Filter Column Resorter Column Resorter Nominal ValueRow Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End XLS Cell Formatter XLS BackgroundColorizer Merge Variables Local File BrowserConfiguration Create File Name Variable toTable Row String to URI String to URI Copy/Move Files XLS ControlTable Generator XLS ControlTable Generator XLS SheetProperties


