
20210526 Pikairos Can we write different columns in different sheet of Excel file

Q : I have a table who have 150 + Columns and I want to write it into the excel file but the condition is I want to write every column in the new sheet.

A : The solution for this kind of job would be to use a “Column List Loop Start” node in which you select the columns you need to save separately in every “sheet”. Inside the loop, you just need to save the column in a different sheet.

Dummy IRIS datafor the exampleHere I choseto select adifferent numerical columnevery time +a fix text columnjust for the exampleSave the current informationin a different sheetevery timeLoop overThis is just to close the loopNo table is expectedat the end of the loopCurrent iterationsheet NameFile Reader Column ListLoop Start Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End Java EditVariable (simple) Dummy IRIS datafor the exampleHere I choseto select adifferent numerical columnevery time +a fix text columnjust for the exampleSave the current informationin a different sheetevery timeLoop overThis is just to close the loopNo table is expectedat the end of the loopCurrent iterationsheet NameFile Reader Column ListLoop Start Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End Java EditVariable (simple)


