

Stop if Cumulative AMOUNTis above 20000Iterate overclasses and calculate statistics over X and Yfor all data pointsof a class.CreategroupColumnsID+YEAR+MONTH+DAYCalculateCumulativeSUMCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTLoops over eachrow of the inputtable and exposes flow variables ofthe entries. IDYEARMONTHDAYTIMEAMOUNTVariable ConditionLoop End Group Loop Start String Manipulation Moving Aggregation Column Rename Table Row ToVariable Loop Start GenerateRandom Data Stop if Cumulative AMOUNTis above 20000Iterate overclasses and calculate statistics over X and Yfor all data pointsof a class.CreategroupColumnsID+YEAR+MONTH+DAYCalculateCumulativeSUMCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTLoops over eachrow of the inputtable and exposes flow variables ofthe entries. IDYEARMONTHDAYTIMEAMOUNTVariable ConditionLoop End Group Loop Start String Manipulation Moving Aggregation Column Rename Table Row ToVariable Loop Start GenerateRandom Data


