
Generating Idoc for Singapore


SDO IDOC P file generation
This workflow is to
1. Replace STAR access tool in converting SDO order text file edrpoh (header) and edrpod (detail) into IDOC file (P file).
2. Mass convertion of edrpoh and edrpod into single IDOC file

The workflow is separated into 3 portions
1st portion: flow to convert edrpoh
2nd portion: flow to convert edrpod
3rd portion: flow to combine edrpoh and edrpod and write the result

1. edrpoh text file
2. edrpod text file
3. Material master data in SCIC analytic shared point

1. P file
2. PO list report
3. Missing sales unit report

To start using the flow, config all nodes with RED colored description
Batch job to pickup PO and send to SAP will run every 15 mins of every hours, XX:15, XX30, XX:45, XX:60. Please run flow around 5 mins before batchjob run time

This flow is created by Somie (jerngklinchan.p@pg.com) on 25 Feb 2020

SDO IDOC P file generation This workflow is to 1. Replace STAR access tool in converting SDO order text file edrpoh (header) and edrpod (detail) into IDOC file (P file).2. Mass convertion of edrpoh and edrpod into single IDOC fileThe workflow is separated into 3 portions1st portion: flow to convert edrpoh2nd portion: flow to convert edrpod3rd portion: flow to combine edrpoh and edrpod and write the resultInput:1. edrpoh text file2. edrpod text file3. Material master data in SCIC analytic shared pointOutput1. P file2. PO list report3. Missing sales unit reportNOTE : To start using the flow, config all nodes with RED colored descriptionBatch job to pickup PO and send to SAP will run every 15 mins of every hours, XX:15, XX30, XX:45, XX:60. Please run flow around 5 mins before batchjob run timeThis flow is created by Somie (jerngklinchan.p@pg.com) on 25 Feb 2020 3rd portion: flow to combine edrpoh and edrpod and write the result V driveto get edrpohextract customercodeextract GCAScodefilter outzero qtychange qtyto number1st detailitem, qty, sales unitChange qtyto integerto removedecimal2nd detailGCAS codecombine 1stand 2nd detail linecombine allGCAS of the POfilter onlyP file columnfilter onlyP file columnCombine all POFile path to write P file toconvert to stringwrite P filecreate executiondate&timefilter onlyP file columnCombineheader and detailchange qtyto stringadd space to qty fieldreadedrpohextract customercodeextract POadd space neededfor PO numberfieldextractsupplier codeextractorder dateextractdelivery dateStrip POnumberextractTimeExtract WeightExtractVolumeextract qtystrip the 1st P filestrip the 1st P fileV driveto get edrpodhttps://forum.knime.com/t/issue-while-concatenating-two-files/46374/2?u=mlauber71List Files(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation Row Filter String To Number(deprecated) String Manipulation Double To Int String Manipulation Concatenate (Optionalin) (deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) Column Filter Column Filter Loop End(deprecated) String Manipulation Date&Time to String Table Row to Variable(deprecated) CSV Writer(deprecated) Create Date&TimeRange Column Filter Concatenate (Optionalin) (deprecated) Number To String(deprecated) String Manipulation Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) EDRPOH conversion File Reader(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation ConstantValue Column File Reader String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Remove Empty Rows Sorter RowID Sorter RowID Counter Generation Counter Generation Counter Generation Column Expressions SDO IDOC P file generation This workflow is to 1. Replace STAR access tool in converting SDO order text file edrpoh (header) and edrpod (detail) into IDOC file (P file).2. Mass convertion of edrpoh and edrpod into single IDOC fileThe workflow is separated into 3 portions1st portion: flow to convert edrpoh2nd portion: flow to convert edrpod3rd portion: flow to combine edrpoh and edrpod and write the resultInput:1. edrpoh text file2. edrpod text file3. Material master data in SCIC analytic shared pointOutput1. P file2. PO list report3. Missing sales unit reportNOTE : To start using the flow, config all nodes with RED colored descriptionBatch job to pickup PO and send to SAP will run every 15 mins of every hours, XX:15, XX30, XX:45, XX:60. Please run flow around 5 mins before batchjob run timeThis flow is created by Somie (jerngklinchan.p@pg.com) on 25 Feb 2020 3rd portion: flow to combine edrpoh and edrpod and write the result V driveto get edrpohextract customercodeextract GCAScodefilter outzero qtychange qtyto number1st detailitem, qty, sales unitChange qtyto integerto removedecimal2nd detailGCAS codecombine 1stand 2nd detail linecombine allGCAS of the POfilter onlyP file columnfilter onlyP file columnCombine all POFile path to write P file toconvert to stringwrite P filecreate executiondate&timefilter onlyP file columnCombineheader and detailchange qtyto stringadd space to qty fieldreadedrpohextract customercodeextract POadd space neededfor PO numberfieldextractsupplier codeextractorder dateextractdelivery dateStrip POnumberextractTimeExtract WeightExtractVolumeextract qtystrip the 1st P filestrip the 1st P fileV driveto get edrpodhttps://forum.knime.com/t/issue-while-concatenating-two-files/46374/2?u=mlauber71List Files(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation Row Filter String To Number(deprecated) String Manipulation Double To Int String Manipulation Concatenate (Optionalin) (deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) Column Filter Column Filter Loop End(deprecated) String Manipulation Date&Time to String Table Row to Variable(deprecated) CSV Writer(deprecated) Create Date&TimeRange Column Filter Concatenate (Optionalin) (deprecated) Number To String(deprecated) String Manipulation Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) EDRPOH conversion File Reader(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation ConstantValue Column File Reader String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Remove Empty Rows Sorter RowID Sorter RowID Counter Generation Counter Generation Counter Generation Column Expressions


