
Date and Time difference based on working hours

Node 1DayOfWeekand Hourof StartDayOfWeekand Hourof EndDiff indaysDiff inweeksAdjust differencein daysNode 7Node 8Node 10Any weekend betweenDayOfWeek of start andDayOfWeek of endApply logicRemove timefor fullday calculationNode 15Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference Math Formula Variable Creator Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Math Formula Column Expressions Modify Time Column Filter Node 1DayOfWeekand Hourof StartDayOfWeekand Hourof EndDiff indaysDiff inweeksAdjust differencein daysNode 7Node 8Node 10Any weekend betweenDayOfWeek of start andDayOfWeek of endApply logicRemove timefor fullday calculationNode 15Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference Math Formula Variable Creator Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Math Formula Column Expressions Modify Time Column Filter


