
Cost Center Charge out

Automized process to calculate the Month to date Cost Charge out by relevant Cost Center and Category.

Data Reading Three files: - Charge out Cost Centers - KSB1 Total CC Line Item Downloadfor previous month- Account assigned to Charge outCategories Both files are located in x Pre-processing - Join Total Line Item table Accounts with Charge out Categories. SeperateColumn is appended. Later used for grouping data. - "Table Row To Variable Loop Start" Node used to inject only Charge outCost Centers to Row Filter- "Loop End" - Node Used to loop over all Charge out Cost Centers in theList. Creating Charge out Files by Cost Center- Create seperate files per chargeout Cost Centers including MTD Data by grouping and save to aFolder CONCATENATE all seperate Cost Center sheets into one file SAP KSB1 MTD DataCreate CC SheetsFile nameConcatenateCreate CC SheetsRead in all CC Sheets in folderWrite Summary to FolderAccount CategoriesAdd Categories to TableCout Cost Centers ListFeed in CC'sFilter Cout Cost CentersConcatenate CC'sGrp by CategoriesWrite CC Sheets to ExcelStart LoopEnd LoopOutput 3104 US FileSupply Chain ChargesNode 27Node 28Node 31Node 44Node 45 Excel Reader (XLS) Group Loop Start Create File Name Variable Loop End Excel Writer (XLS) List Files Excel Writer (XLS) Excel Reader (XLS) Joiner Excel Reader (XLS) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Loop End GroupBy Excel Reader (XLS) Group Loop Start Variable Loop End Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Group Loop Start String Manipulation Variable Loop End Excel Writer (XLS) Create File Name Data Reading Three files: - Charge out Cost Centers - KSB1 Total CC Line Item Downloadfor previous month- Account assigned to Charge outCategories Both files are located in x Pre-processing - Join Total Line Item table Accounts with Charge out Categories. SeperateColumn is appended. Later used for grouping data. - "Table Row To Variable Loop Start" Node used to inject only Charge outCost Centers to Row Filter- "Loop End" - Node Used to loop over all Charge out Cost Centers in theList. Creating Charge out Files by Cost Center- Create seperate files per chargeout Cost Centers including MTD Data by grouping and save to aFolder CONCATENATE all seperate Cost Center sheets into one file SAP KSB1 MTD DataCreate CC SheetsFile nameConcatenateCreate CC SheetsRead in all CC Sheets in folderWrite Summary to FolderAccount CategoriesAdd Categories to TableCout Cost Centers ListFeed in CC'sFilter Cout Cost CentersConcatenate CC'sGrp by CategoriesWrite CC Sheets to ExcelStart LoopEnd LoopOutput 3104 US FileSupply Chain ChargesNode 27Node 28Node 31Node 44Node 45 Excel Reader (XLS) Group Loop Start Create File Name Variable Loop End Excel Writer (XLS) List Files Excel Writer (XLS) Excel Reader (XLS) Joiner Excel Reader (XLS) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Loop End GroupBy Excel Reader (XLS) Group Loop Start Variable Loop End Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Group Loop Start String Manipulation Variable Loop End Excel Writer (XLS) Create File Name


