

https://forum.knime.com/t/exclude-missing-values-from-the-end-of-a-dataset/21656/3?u=mlauber71 Please keep missing values at the end of each variablebut replace any missing valuein between.find the edgekeepsingle columnand new_idreverse sort columnnew_idcheck if invers LAG ismissingNode 11rowwhere the edgeissplit intorows to be processedand the ones left outapply missing valueslist columnsto be processedv_regex_patternx_process_colcollect ressultsSTART Table Creator Rule Engine Column Filter Sorter Java Snippet(simple) Lag Column GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Splitter Missing Value Concatenate ExtractColumn Header Transpose Java EditVariable (simple) Column Rename Column Filter Loop End (ColumnAppend) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start https://forum.knime.com/t/exclude-missing-values-from-the-end-of-a-dataset/21656/3?u=mlauber71 Please keep missing values at the end of each variablebut replace any missing valuein between.find the edgekeepsingle columnand new_idreverse sort columnnew_idcheck if invers LAG ismissingNode 11rowwhere the edgeissplit intorows to be processedand the ones left outapply missing valueslist columnsto be processedv_regex_patternx_process_colcollect ressultsSTARTTable Creator Rule Engine Column Filter Sorter Java Snippet(simple) Lag Column GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Splitter Missing Value Concatenate ExtractColumn Header Transpose Java EditVariable (simple) Column Rename Column Filter Loop End (ColumnAppend) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start


