
Find first non missing and filter rows

Sample Dataget row index for each id thatis presentFind first rowindexcontaining a valueas variableFilter all earlierrowsConvert to IntegerFind first rowindexcontaining a valueApply "min" value-not-missingto all columnsFilter thosewith earlier row indexget row index for each id thatis presentFilter thosewith earlier row indexTidy upTidy upTidy upMark rows to keepFilter off rows marked "RowFilter=true"Tidy upTable Creator Rule Engine GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Row Filter Math Formula GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Rule Engine Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Java Snippet Row Filter Column Filter Sample Dataget row index for each id thatis presentFind first rowindexcontaining a valueas variableFilter all earlierrowsConvert to IntegerFind first rowindexcontaining a valueApply "min" value-not-missingto all columnsFilter thosewith earlier row indexget row index for each id thatis presentFilter thosewith earlier row indexTidy upTidy upTidy upMark rows to keepFilter off rows marked "RowFilter=true"Tidy upTable Creator Rule Engine GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Row Filter Math Formula GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Rule Engine Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Java Snippet Row Filter Column Filter


