
Sample Workflow

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Isolate orderquantity to toprow Moving Sum of StockQuantity, flip negativeand drop below OrderQuantity Moving Sum of OrderQuantity minus StockQuantities per row, andCalc formula (split betweeninterger and string to keepinterger formatring onnumbers) Drop bottomrow caused bylag column Clean uptemporarycalculationcolumns Build a UniqueID for Grouping Table Creator Column Expressions Group Loop Start Loop End Counter Generation Moving Aggregator Column Expressions Column Expressions Lag Column Column Expressions Moving Aggregator Row Filter Column Filter Column Expressions Isolate orderquantity to toprow Moving Sum of StockQuantity, flip negativeand drop below OrderQuantity Moving Sum of OrderQuantity minus StockQuantities per row, andCalc formula (split betweeninterger and string to keepinterger formatring onnumbers) Drop bottomrow caused bylag column Clean uptemporarycalculationcolumns Build a UniqueID for Grouping Table Creator Column Expressions Group Loop Start Loop End Counter Generation Moving Aggregator Column Expressions Column Expressions Lag Column Column Expressions Moving Aggregator Row Filter Column Filter Column Expressions


