
20211021 Pikairos Scoring new clusters with existing cluster centers

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Load irisdataLet's imagine thatthis node generatedyour initial k-means vectorsLet's suppose herethat we do not knowthe k-means but wecan calculate themfrom the previously K-Meanslabelled dataJoin Original & RecalculatedK-Meansto show thatthey are exactly the sameSet RowIDwith ClusterNamesWork out to whichK-Mean clusterbelongs every sample ShowOriginal & RecalculatedK-MeansJoin Original & RecalculatedK-Means Clusteringto show thatthey are exactly the sameExtract RowIDto Identify latterthe samplesSet RowIDto Identify the samplesby RowIDShowOriginal & RelabeledSamples byK-MeansTable Reader(deprecated) k-Means GroupBy Joiner RowID Similarity Search InteractiveTable (local) Joiner RowID RowID InteractiveTable (local) Load irisdataLet's imagine thatthis node generatedyour initial k-means vectorsLet's suppose herethat we do not knowthe k-means but wecan calculate themfrom the previously K-Meanslabelled dataJoin Original & RecalculatedK-Meansto show thatthey are exactly the sameSet RowIDwith ClusterNamesWork out to whichK-Mean clusterbelongs every sample ShowOriginal & RecalculatedK-MeansJoin Original & RecalculatedK-Means Clusteringto show thatthey are exactly the sameExtract RowIDto Identify latterthe samplesSet RowIDto Identify the samplesby RowIDShowOriginal & RelabeledSamples byK-MeansTable Reader(deprecated) k-Means GroupBy Joiner RowID Similarity Search InteractiveTable (local) Joiner RowID RowID InteractiveTable (local)


