
20210929 Pikairos Top parent hierarchy search

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Your DataStart Recursion:First iterationdata comes from Input;Next iterations datacomes from the previous2nd -Recursion Loop End-iterationFirst Inputcollect the final datareturned by the loopat its unique output2nd Input returnsdata to the-Recursive Loop Start- nodefor further processingJoin togetherTO LINKandFROM LINKRename the columnTOintoTO LINKRename the columnFROMintoFROM LINKFilter OUTcolumns namedLINKSKeep only rowswhich have reachedthe Parent NodeKeep onlycolumns withinitial numberand finalParent numberJoin withInitial datato determine whichare the numberswhich wereitself parentsSet parentfor "itself parent"numbersTable Creator RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Joiner Column Rename Column Rename Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Joiner Rule Engine Your DataStart Recursion:First iterationdata comes from Input;Next iterations datacomes from the previous2nd -Recursion Loop End-iterationFirst Inputcollect the final datareturned by the loopat its unique output2nd Input returnsdata to the-Recursive Loop Start- nodefor further processingJoin togetherTO LINKandFROM LINKRename the columnTOintoTO LINKRename the columnFROMintoFROM LINKFilter OUTcolumns namedLINKSKeep only rowswhich have reachedthe Parent NodeKeep onlycolumns withinitial numberand finalParent numberJoin withInitial datato determine whichare the numberswhich wereitself parentsSet parentfor "itself parent"numbersTable Creator RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Joiner Column Rename Column Rename Column Filter Row Filter Column Filter Joiner Rule Engine


