
20210615 Help Me Random Forest

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Your data10 fold CVTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticsConvert Classinto StringLoop overthe 10 foldsCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Convert Predicted Classto NumberThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedExcel Reader (XLS) X-Partitioner Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor Scorer Number To String Loop End ROC Curve Column Filter Math Formula String To Number BalanceTraining Set Your data10 fold CVTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticsConvert Classinto StringLoop overthe 10 foldsCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Convert Predicted Classto NumberThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedExcel Reader (XLS) X-Partitioner Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor Scorer Number To String Loop End ROC Curve Column Filter Math Formula String To Number BalanceTraining Set


