
Quantile Histogram

Bar Chart Examples

What is a Bar Chart? A bar chart visualizes one or more aggregated metrics for different data partitions with rectangular bars where the heights are proportional to the metric values. The partitions are defined by the values in a categorical feature.

This workflow demonstrates different ways to use the JavaScript Bar Chart node. Given data that contains a categorical variable, this node creates a plot that shows different statistics of numerical attributes within each category. Available statistics are occurence count, sum, and average. If multiple numerical attributes are selected simultaneously, bars can either be next to each other or stached on top of each other.

Right click the nodes and select "Execute and Open Views".
To change the columns to be visualized double click on the nodes. To save your in-view interaction use "Apply" and "Close" in the View lower right corner.

Iris DataSetNode 26Average Values ofsepal lengthsepal widthpetal lengthpetal widthBy sepal length BinGet columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnCreate columnwith columnnamesNode 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Sum Values ofsepal lengthsepal widthpetal lengthpetal widthBy sepal length BinNode 45Table Reader Auto-Binner Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Color Manager Transpose Column Filter GroupBy String Manipulation Joiner Bar Chart Metanode Iris DataSetNode 26Average Values ofsepal lengthsepal widthpetal lengthpetal widthBy sepal length BinGet columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnCreate columnwith columnnamesNode 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Sum Values ofsepal lengthsepal widthpetal lengthpetal widthBy sepal length BinNode 45Table Reader Auto-Binner Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Color Manager Transpose Column Filter GroupBy String Manipulation Joiner Bar Chart Metanode


