

Extract year and month from datum column Create target file path Plit data up years and months and save to data files Write Filesales_dataTo Date type using[M][MM]/[d][dd]/yyyyExtract Month & YearYearsYearMonthsYear and MonthCreat Target PathFilter only originalcolumnsMonthsYears CSV Writer CSV Reader String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Group Loop Start Number To String Group Loop Start GroupBy Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation(Variable) ReferenceColumn Filter Variable Loop End Variable Loop End String to Path(Variable) Extract year and month from datum column Create target file path Plit data up years and months and save to data files Write Filesales_dataTo Date type using[M][MM]/[d][dd]/yyyyExtract Month & YearYearsYearMonthsYear and MonthCreat Target PathFilter only originalcolumnsMonthsYearsCSV Writer CSV Reader String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Group Loop Start Number To String Group Loop Start GroupBy Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation(Variable) ReferenceColumn Filter Variable Loop End Variable Loop End String to Path(Variable)


