
20210615 Help Me Random Forest 10 Fold CV and 80 Training versus 20 Test sets

20210615 Help Me Random Forest

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Your data10 fold CVTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithoutTest set balancingConvert Classinto StringLoop overthe 10 foldsGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithTest set balancingThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Keep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVConvert Predicted Classto NumberRename target toshop_frequency_targetConvert Predicted Classto NumberConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Compute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CV80 % Training& 20 % Testingdata PartitioningTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Keep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithoutTest set balancingConvert Predicted Classto NumberCompute ROC curveon 20 % Test Set data partitionGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithTest set balancingConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Convert Predicted Classto NumberThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVExcel Reader (XLS) X-Partitioner Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor Scorer Number To String Loop End Scorer BalanceTraining Set Balance Data Set ROC Curve Math Formula Column Filter String To Number Column Rename String To Number Math Formula ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor BalanceTraining Set Math Formula Column Filter Scorer String To Number ROC Curve Scorer Math Formula String To Number Balance Data Set ROC Curve Column Filter Your data10 fold CVTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithoutTest set balancingConvert Classinto StringLoop overthe 10 foldsGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithTest set balancingThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Keep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVConvert Predicted Classto NumberRename target toshop_frequency_targetConvert Predicted Classto NumberConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Compute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CV80 % Training& 20 % Testingdata PartitioningTrain a RF modelwith 100 TreesTest the modelin the currenti-Fold Test setThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Keep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithoutTest set balancingConvert Predicted Classto NumberCompute ROC curveon 20 % Test Set data partitionGlobal 10-Fold CVStatisticswithTest set balancingConvert confidence predictionso that it goes from 1 to 0.5and relates to Class (either 1 or 2)Convert Predicted Classto NumberThis componentoversamples theundersample class (1)so that both classesare balancedCompute ROC curvefor 10 Fold CV samplesKeep here onlyrequired columns to calculatea ROC curve from 10 Fold CVExcel Reader (XLS) X-Partitioner Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor Scorer Number To String Loop End Scorer BalanceTraining Set Balance Data Set ROC Curve Math Formula Column Filter String To Number Column Rename String To Number Math Formula ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor BalanceTraining Set Math Formula Column Filter Scorer String To Number ROC Curve Scorer Math Formula String To Number Balance Data Set ROC Curve Column Filter


