Node Connectivity

There are 26 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type File System.

Databricks File System Connector 

Connects to Databricks File System (DBFS) in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

FTP Connector 

Connects to remote file system via FTP in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

Generic S3 Connector 

Provides a file system connection to an S3-compatible endpoint.

HDFS Connector 

Creates a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) connection in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

HDFS Connector (KNOX) 

Connects to HDFS using an Apache KNOX gateway in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

HTTP(S) Connector 

Connects to a web server with HTTP(S) in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

Local File System Connector 

Provides a file system connection with access to the file system of the local machine.

SMB Connector 

Connects to an SMB server (e.g. Samba, or Windows Server) in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

SSH Connector 

Connects to remote file system via SSH in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.

SharePoint Online Connector 

Connects to a SharePoint Online site in order to read/write files in downstream nodes.