Node Connectivity

There are 12 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Distance Measure.

Geo Distances 

Distance definition on Geo Coordinate column(s).

Random Forest Distance 

Creates a distance measure based on the proximity induced by the given random forest model.

Numeric Distances 

Distance definition on numerical column(s).

String Distances 

Distance definition on a string column

Bit Vector Distances 

Distance measures on bit vectors (fingerprints)

Byte Vector Distances 

Computes distance measures on Byte Vectors

Mahalanobis Distance 

The Mahalanobis Distance is a metric, which measures the distance of two data sets with respect to the variance and covariance of the selected […]

Matrix Distance 

Wraps a distance matrix in a distance measure object.

Aggregated Distance 

Aggregates distance measures with the usage of Java code.

Java Distance 

Define distance measures with the usage of Java code.