Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Acoustic Feature Extractor Streamable

Extracts Acoustic features from an audio cell.

Audio Data Extractor Streamable

Extracts audio data e.g. frame length, duration etc. into table columns.

Bing SR Streamable

Speech recognizer based on the Bing Speech API.

CMUSphinx4 SR Streamable

Speech recognizer based on the CMUSphinx project.

IBM Watson SR Streamable

Speech recognizer based on the IBM Watson Speech to Text service.

DL4J Feedforward Learner (legacy) Deprecated

Learner for Feedforward Deep Learning Models.

DL4J Model Reader Deprecated

Reading of Deep Learning Models.

DL4J Model Reader (legacy) 

Reads Deep Learning Model port objects from a file.

Convolution Layer (legacy) 

Convolutional layer.

LRN Layer (legacy) 

Local Response Normalization layer.