Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Meta Info Inserter Deprecated

Inserts key, values pairs as meta information to documents.

Sentence Extractor 

Extracts all sentences of a document as string.

String to Term 

Converts strings to terms.

Strings To Document StreamableDeprecated

Converts the specified strings to documents.

Strings to Document Streamable

Converts the specified strings to documents.

Tags to String 

Converts tags to strings.

Term Neighborhood Extractor 

Term Neighborhood Extractor

Term Vector 

Creates a term vector for each term.

Term to String 

Converts terms to strings and adds a new column containing these strings.

Term to Structure 

Converts terms to molecule structures represented as strings and adds a new column containing them.