Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Ruleset to Table 

Converts PMML RuleSets (with firstHit) to table containing the rules.

String To Number (PMML) Deprecated

Converts strings in a column to numbers.

String To Number (PMML) Deprecated

Converts strings in a column to numbers.

String to Number (PMML) 

Converts strings in a column to numbers.


Transforms XML documents into PMML documents

Cell to PMML 

Converts the PMML cell in the first Row to the PMML Port.

PMML to Cell 

Converts the PMML Port to a table containing the PMML cell.


Allows executing custom expressions on the data table.

Generic JavaScript View (JavaScript) 

Executes JavaScript code to generate a view.

Simple Table View (JavaScript) Deprecated

Displays data in a table view.