Node Connectivity

There are 1060 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.knime.core.node.port.AbstractSimplePortObject.

List Project Users 

Returns a list of users in the project.

Create Project User 

Adds a user to the project. Users must already be members of the organization to be added to a project.

Retrieve Project User 

Retrieves a user in the project.

Modify Project User 

Modifies a user's role in the project.

Delete Project User 

Deletes a user from the project.

List Project Service Accounts 

Returns a list of service accounts in the project.

Create Project Service Account 

Creates a new service account in the project. This also returns an unredacted API key for the service account.

Retrieve Project Service Account 

Retrieves a service account in the project.

Delete Project Service Account 

Deletes a service account from the project.

List Project Api Keys 

Returns a list of API keys in the project.