Node Connectivity

There are 176 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.knime.core.node.port.AbstractPortObject.

PMI Kernel Density Plot 

Node to generate a PMI Triangle Kernel Density Plot

PMI Triangle Convex Hull Plot 

This node produces a PMI plot

PMI Triangle Scatter Plot 

This node produces a PMI plot

1D Kernel Density Plot 

Node to generate and draw a 1D Kernel Density Function

2D Kernel Density Plot 

Node to generate and draw a 2D Kernel Density Function

Notched Boxplot (JFreechart) 

Node to generate notched boxplots.

PDB Connector Combine Queries 

Combines two or more queries according to the specified logic operator

PDB Connector Queries Table Loop Start 

Loops over a table containing an XML column of query definitions

PDB Connector Query Builder 

Node to generate an advanced RCSB query

PDB Connector Read Query 

Node to read an advanced RCSB query from an XML definition saved on disk