Node Connectivity

There are 176 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.knime.core.node.port.AbstractPortObject.

Visual 2D Data Generator 

Create two-dimensional data by manually dabbing them into a coordinate system.


This node allows to group numeric data in intervals - called bins.

Generic JavaScript View (JavaScript) 

Executes JavaScript code to generate a view.

Bar Chart (JavaScript) 

A bar chart based on the NVD3 library.

Box Plot (JavaScript) 

This node provides a view with a Box Plot implemented with D3.js.

Conditional Box Plot (JavaScript) 

This node provides a view with a Conditional Box Plot implemented with D3.js.

Decision Tree View (JavaScript) 

A JavaScript based plot of the provided decision tree.

Heatmap (JavaScript) 

A node which creates a heatmap view using Javascript.

Histogram (JavaScript) 

A histogram based on the NVD3 library.

Lift Chart (JavaScript) 

A lift chart using a JavaScript based charting library.