Column name | Data type |
Model name | String |
Model id | SId |
Model link | String |
Organism | SId |
Organism details | String |
Environment | SId |
Environment details | String |
Model creator | String |
Model family name | String |
Model contact | String |
Model reference description | String |
Model reference description link | String |
Created date | Date |
Modified date | Date |
Rights | String |
Notes | String |
Curation status | String |
Model type | String |
Subject | String |
Food process | String |
Dependent variable | SId |
Dependent variable unit | SId |
Dependent variable type | String |
Dependent variable min | Number |
Dependent variable max | Number |
Independent variables | SId (multiple values) |
Independent variable units | SId (multiple values) |
Independent variable types | String (multiple values) |
Independent variable mins | Number (multiple values) |
Independent variable maxs | Number (multiple values) |
Independent variable values | Number (multiple values) |
Has data? | String |
Some properties are taking unique identifiers of type SId. The SId type follows the pattern:
Examples of valid SId: escherichia_coli10, _eColi.
Examples of invalid SId: 0escherichia_coli, , 0.
Properties taking multiple values are encoded using the two characters || as splitter. For example two variable units grams and liters would be encoded as gram || liter. If a variable has no unit then a whitespace is used instead, e.g. gram || .
Related properties like the independent variables have the same number of values across the properties. Therefore, the independent variable names, units, minimum and maximum values must have the same number of values to describe N variables. If a value is missing like a variable without unit then a whitespace must be used instead.
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