Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

PIA Analysis 

PIA Analysis

PIA Compiler 

Compiles search results into a PIA XML file.

XML To Table 

Extracts a parameter from an XML cell and copies it to a new column

DB Data Deleter 

Deletes test conditions and fitted models from the database

Data Editor 

Correct data sets or add information

JavaScript Editor 

Executes JavaScript code to generate a view.

Model Editor 

Edit primary and secondary models

Model Fitting 

Uses mathematical model formulas and estimates their parameters in order to fit a curve to data (e.g. to a time series of bacterial concentrations or to […]

PMM Joiner 

Joins model formulas and data and assigns parameter symbols in formulas to parameter names in preparation for a model estimation