Dict Replacer (2 in ports)

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

Replaces complete terms that match with specified dictionary terms with a corresponding specified value. The dictionary is provided by a additional data table at port 1, consisting of at least two string columns. One string column contains the strings to replace (keys) the other string column contains the replacement strings (values). The columns can be specified in the dialog.



Column containing the strings to replace
The column containing the strings (words/terms) to replace (keys).
Column containing the replacement strings
The column containing the replacement strings (values).

Deep preprocessing options

Deep preprocessing
If deep preprocessing is checked, the terms contained inside the documents are preprocessed too, this means that the documents themselves are changed too, which is more time consuming.
Document column
Specifies the column containing the documents to preprocess.
Append unchanged documents
If checked, the documents contained in the specified "Original Document column" are appended unchanged even if deep preprocessing is checked. This helps to keep the original documents in the output data table without the agonizing pain of joining.
Original Document column
Specifies the column containing the original documents which can be attached unchanged.
Ignore unmodifiable tag
If checked unmodifiable terms will be preprocessed too.

Input Ports

The input table which contains the terms to convert.
The input table containing at least of two string columns (dictionary).

Output Ports

The output table which contains the preprocessed terms.

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