Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

H Bond Donor/Acceptor Streamable

Calculate the H Bond Donor/Acceptor.

Huckel Analysis Streamable

Calculate the Huckel Analysis.

Refractivity Streamable

Calculate the Refractivity.

Structural Frameworks Streamable

Calculate the Structural Frameworks.

Chemical Terms Streamable

The Chemical Terms Evaluator is designed to evaluate mathematical expressions on molecules.

JChem Search 

Structure searching in structure tables of relational databases.

JChem Update 

Structure updating and inserting in structure tables of relational databases.

MolSearch Streamable

Filters molecules based on an Atom-by-atom structure search.


The MCS finds the maximum common substructure (MCS) of two molecules.

Formula Search Streamable

Filters molecules based on sophisticated chemical formula search.