Node Connectivity

There are 58 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type AWS Comprehend Connection.

Amazon Comprehend (Sentiment) Streamable

Performs sentiment analysis on sentences of a document by using the Amazon Comprehend service.

Amazon Comprehend (Syntax Tagger) Streamable

Assigns part-of-speech tags to terms by calling the AWS Comprehend service.

Amazon Personalize Create Campaign 

Creates a new Amazon Personalize solution version.

Amazon Personalize Create Solution Version 

Creates a new Amazon Personalize solution version.

Amazon Personalize Personalized Ranking Streamable

Returns a ranking of items for a specific user by calling the Amazon Personalize service.

Amazon Personalize Related Items Streamable

Returns similar items for a specific item by calling the Amazon Personalize service.

Amazon Personalize Upload Interactions 

Uploads interactions data to the Amazon Personalize space.

Amazon Personalize Upload Items 

Uploads items data to the Amazon Personalize space.

Amazon Personalize Upload Users 

Uploads users data to the Amazon Personalize space.

Amazon Personalize User Personalization Streamable

Returns item recommendations for specific users by calling the Amazon Personalize service.