Disconnect WebDriver [BETA]

Disconnect the WebDriver from the browser upon execution. This requires using the dedicated “undetected” Chrome WebDriver – it will not work with others. Use this node to circumvent bot detection approaches: While the WebDriver is disconnected from the browser it is not possible to detect that any automation is happening.

You can reconnect to the browser using the Reconnect WebDriver node.

While you cannot execute any actions while the WebDriver is disconnected from the browser, you can trigger actions before you execute this node: Use a Execute JavaScript node and schedule the action using the setTimeout function, so that it happens after the WebDriver has disconnected. For example to reload the current page, use the following snippet:

setTimeout(() => { location.reload(); }, 1_000);

You can also manually suspend the workflow exection after executing this node to solve any bot detection challenges, and after passing the manual validation reconnect and continue executing your workflow.


Input column which provides the WebDriver(s)

Input Ports

Table with a column providing a WebDriver

Output Ports

Disconnected WebDriver

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