Get Cookies

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
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Gets cookies for the current WebDriver. There’s two extraction modes available – see below for details.


Input column which provides the WebDriver
The following modes are available:
  • JavaScript: Extracts cookies through JavaScript (essentially via document.cookie). This works in every browser, but will not return cookies which are declared as “HTTP only”. Only cookies for the current domain are returned.
  • Chrome DevTools: Extracts all cookies through the Chrome DevTools (CDT) API – this will get you all cookies for all doamins, but only works in Chrome-based browsers.

Input Ports

Table with a column providing the WebDriver

Output Ports

Same as input table
A table with extracted cookies information. The table contains the following columns:
  • name: The name of the cookie
  • value: The value of the cookie
  • domain: The domain to which the cookie is visible
  • path: The path to which the cookie is visible
  • expiry: The expiration date of the cookie (or a missing cell, if there’s no expiration)
  • session: (CDT only) “true” if the cookie is a session (aka. transient, temporary, or non-persistent) cookie
  • size: (CDT only) Size of the cookie in bytes
  • httpOnly: (CDT only) “true” if the cookie is marked as HttpOnly – this means that it cannot be accessed by client-side JavaScript code, but is still sent to the server.
  • secure: (CDT only) “true” if the cookie is marked as Secure – this means that it is only ever sent through encrypted (i.e. HTTPS) requests.
  • sameSite: (CDT only) The SameSite attribute which can be “Strict”, “Lax”, or “None” (or a missing cell, if it’s not given).
  • priority: (CDT only) The Priority of the coookiie which can be “Low”, “Medium”, or “High” (this is a Chrome-specific feature to prioritize which cookies get deleted first, if needed)

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