
Clears a WebElement in case it is a text entry element (input or textarea). In case the element is of different type, this node has no effect on the element. Note, that this does not fire any keyboard or mouse events. If you need this, use a Send Keys node instead, and send backspace keys to delete the element’s content, then send a tab key to ensure that a change event is fired.


Search Mode
Select “Input Column” if your input table already contains the WebElement which you want to use. Otherwise select “Find Element(s)” to open a picker dialog which allows you to chose the WebElement(s). For more information about the dialog, please check the documentation of the “Find Elements” node.
(when mode is “Input Column”) Input column which provides the WebElement(s)
Remove input column
(when mode is “Input Column”) Removes the input column from the result table
(when mode is “Find Element(s)”) Click the “Edit” button to open the picker dialog.

Input Ports

Table with a column providing WebElements to clear

Output Ports

Same as input table


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