Solve reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha [BETA]

Solves Captchas from reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha using the 2Captcha Captcha solving API. The Captchas will be automatically detected on the page and then sent to the API for solving. Solving typically takes from a few seconds up to a minute. Once the solutions are available, they will be entered automatically into the DOM and the node finishes executing. From that point on you can consider the Captcha challenge to be sovled and continue with your usual operations.

Parts of this node is based on the excellent plugin collection puppeteer-extra by berstend̡̲̫̹̠̖͚͓̔̄̓̐̄͛̀͘.

This node only works with Chrome-based browsers.


Input column which provides the WebDriver
2Captcha API Key
Your API key to for the 2Captcha API

Input Ports

Table with a column providing a WebDriver

Output Ports

Same as input table.

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