Coordinate to Open Location Code (OLC)

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Converts the given coordinates to an Open Location Code (OLC, aka. “plus code”).

Open Location Code is a way of encoding location into a form that is easier to use than showing coordinates in the usual form of latitude and longitude. Plus codes are designed to be used like street addresses, and may be especially useful in places where there is no formal system to identify buildings, such as street names, house numbers, and post codes.

Locations close to each other have similar codes. The character set avoids similar looking characters, to reduce confusion and errors, and avoids vowels to make it unlikely that a code spells existing words. Plus codes are not case-sensitive, and can therefore be easily exchanged over the phone.

The minimum allowed code length supported by this node is 4, the maximum length is 15 digits. Below 10 digits, only even numbers are valid lengths. The default length for most purposes is 10 digits. See the Open Location Code Specification.

Code length Precision in degrees Precision
4 1 111.321 km
6 1/20 5566 meters
8 1/400 278 meters
10 1/8000 13.9 meters
11 1/40000 x 1/32000 2.8 x 3.5 meters
12 1/200000 x 1/128000 56 x 87 cm
13 1/1e6 x 1/512000 11 x 22 cm
14 1/5e6 x 1/2.048e6 2 x 5 cm
15 1/2.5e7 x 1/8.192e6 4 x 14 mm


Column in the input table with the Geo Coordinate value to convert.
Drop input column
Remove the input column from the output table.
Code length
Length of the generated Open Location Code in characters.
Output column name (*)
The name of the appended output column with the Open Location Code.

Input Ports

Table with a Geo Coordinate value to convert.

Output Ports

Table with appended Open Location Code column for the given Geo Coordinate.

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