Memgraph Reader

The node allows user to run queries for extracting data from Memgraph, any queries that change the state of DB will be rolled back. There are three modes available:

  • Script – active when there is no input table connected. User can create a Cypher script with injections of labels for nodes and relationships, and available server functions to extract data from the database. Schema is fetched with functions db.labels, db.relationshipTypes, dbms.functions. The output data will be automatically matched to Knime table compatible types if possible, otherwise JSON columns will be produced.
  • Query from table - active if the table is connected, the user can select the string column that contains Cypher queries.
  • Batch script - active if the table is connected, the user can provide a Cypher batch script with references to the input table columns as the parameters for the query. The capabilities are similar to Script mode.



Use JSON output
if active the result will be returned as a JSON column. Otherwise the node will try to return a Knime table with best match for Knime types.
Stop on query failure
if active the node will return an error and stop execution in case the query was not successfully executed. Otherwise node will produce an empty table and a warning message.
Script body
the text box, where use can put Cypher query with nodes, relationship, function and flow variables injections.

Query from table

Column with query
queries from the selected string column will be executed. Results will be returned as a JSON column.
Stop on query failure
if active the node will return an error and stop execution in case the query was not successfully executed. Otherwise node will produce an empty table and a warning message.

Batch script

Use batch query
activates Batch query mode and deactivates Query from table mode.
Name for batch parameter
defines a batch variable name that can be used with UNWIND clause.
Batch Patterns
several examples with Cypher batch queries with wildcards, can be inserted to script body with double-click.
Column List
list of columns of input table, can be can be inserted to script body with double-click.

Input Ports

Memgraph connection
Table with the Cypher query

Output Ports

Table/JSON response
Memgraph connection

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