Customizable CSV Reader

A graph data source for several vertices and edges CSV files.
The files has not to be in the Gradoop format and can be in an individual external format.
Also it is possible, to load different files with edges and vertices.
The default order of the arguments in the csv file of vertices is: id | label (optional) | property 1 (optional) | property 2 (optional) | ...
The default order of the arguments in the csv file of edges is: edgeId (optional) | sourceId | targetId | label (optional) | property 1 (optional) | property 2 (optional) | ...


Vertices Paths
The path to the directory with the files containing the vertices.
Edges Paths
The path to the directory with the files containing the edges.
Vertices have label?
Contain the vertex files a label column?
Edges have label?
Contain the edge files a label column?
Edges have edgeId?
Contain the edge files a edgeId column?
Should the first line of the csv files read as a header?
Token delimiter
Defines the pattern that is set as the token delimiter in the csv files.
Shown rows
The number of rows of the file in the preview table should shown.

Input Ports

Port object containing the connection information to the server. (Optional).
Port object containing the information of the connection to the Flink cluster.

Output Ports

One single logical graph.

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