Causal Graph Miner (Event Log)

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

This node implements the first step of the Hybrid Miner to discover a causal graph from an event log. A causal graph consists of nodes representing activities and two types of directed edges connecting nodes. Certain edges represent strong causal dependencies and uncertain edges represent weak dependencies. A third type of edges is used to represent long-term dependencies.


Minimal activity frequency
An activity will be included if it occurs in at least x% of cases; set to 0 to include all activities.
Minimal trace variant frequency
A trace variant will be included if it covers at least x% of cases; set to 0 to include all trace variants.
Strong causality threshold
Lower bound for a strong causality between two activities.
Weak causality threshold
Lower bound for a weak causality between two activities; >set to 100% to avoid uncertain edges.
Long-term dependency threshold
Lower bound for a strong long-term causality between two activities.
Causality weight threshold
High values mean more emphasis on the split and join behavior of activities; low values mean more emphasis on the detection of concurrency and loops.

Input Ports

an event log

Output Ports

a causal graph

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