XML Column Combiner

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementXML Column Combiner

Does a row wise merge of XML columns. The created XML cells consist of a single XML element with custom name and attributes. The children of this element are the merged XML columns.


New column name
Name of the new column in the output table.
Exclude / Include
The XML columns in the include list will be merged by this node.
Remove source columns
Check when the source columns should not show up in the output table. Source columns are the the columns in the include list and the columns used for the data bound name and the data bound attributes.
Element name
Name of the created XML element. A custom name will be equal for every row whereas data bound name takes its value from an input column.
Data bound attributes
Attributes added to the XML element with data bound values can be defined here.
Custom attributes
Attributes added to the XML element can be defined here.

Input Ports

Input table.

Output Ports

The input table with additional column containing the merged XML columns.

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