Selenium Recording Player

Reads a project that is created by the Selenium IDE browser extension, available for Google Chrome and Firefox, and executes one specific test from the project.

The Selenium IDE is a browser extension can be used to record 'tests' belonging to one project (.side file).It is a convinient tool to record and replay interaction with a web page. Note, that the browser that will be openend by the Selenium IDE does share existing extensions, cookies and cache, but executing a script will open a browser without the cache (like a inkognito browser). It is therefore recommended to clear the cache of a web page and disable extensions before using the Selenium IDE to record a test in order to not miss e.g. cookie banners that obstruct other elements. Clear page data Chrome, Clear page data Firefox.

After installing the browser extension, click on the Selenium IDE icon in your browser and follow the instructions to create a new project and within it a new test. The IDE will record every interaction on this page and store it in a .side file. The path to this project file and the specific test name have to be set in the configuration dialog of the Web Interaction Script Executor.


Selenium IDE Script

Path to Selenium IDE Project

Path to the .side project file created by the Selenium IDE.

Test name

The test to be executed from the project file.

Element Interaction

Search time (s)

Time, in seconds, for an element to be located until finally failing. If the element has been located earlier, this will not prolong the execution time.

Polling intervals (s)

Intervalls in which an element is being searched for.

Input Ports


The active browser session to be used within further web interaction nodes.

Output Ports


The active browser representing the state after executing the script.

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