Presidio Deanonymizer

This node reverses the anonymization of the Presidio Anonymizer node by replacing the anonymized PII entities with their original information.

The node takes a PII Entity Mapping that was created by the Presidio Anonymizer node during anonymization to deanonymize the data of a specified string column of the input table. You can choose whether the deanonymized data replaces the original data or is appended in a new column.


Input column

Select the string column that contains the data for PII deanonymization.

Output column

Select whether the deanonymized data should replace the original data or be appended to the table in a new column.

Available options:

  • Replace: replaces original data with the resulting data
  • Append: places the resulting data in a new column
Output column name

Provide the name of the new column containing the deanonymized data.

Input Ports


The input table containing a string column.


A mapping between original PII entities and replacements.

Output Ports


The output table containing the deanonymized data.

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