Google Ads Query (Labs)

The Google Ads Query node allows the user to fetch data from their Google Ads account to build reports, analyze, and share highlights.

Configuration and Usage

There are two modes to interact with the node: pre-built and custom queries.

  1. Pre-built Queries

    • These queries mirror the reports in the Google Ads dashboard, allowing you to quickly import your data into the KNIME Analytics Platform.
    • For example, the Search Terms report can be fine-tuned for different time ranges.
  2. Custom Queries

    • If you are comfortable with SQL, you can use the custom mode to leverage the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) to fetch your data.
    • This mode is versatile and gives greater control over the data you retrieve. For more information, refer to the Google Ads Query Language Guide.
    • Additionally, you can validate your queries to ensure they are correct. Refer to the Query Validation Guide.

Advanced Settings

  • You can increase the timeout for large queries by unhiding the advanced settings and adjusting the timeout value accordingly.

Mandatory Upstream Node

  • You need to connect to the Google Ads Connector node to execute the queries.


  • *The output port outputs the fetched data for further processing or analysis in KNIME Analytics Platform.


Query mode

You can choose from pre-built queries or create a custom one from scratch.

Available options:

Custom query:

Input your query below, replacing the default query.

Pre-built queries:

Select an available pre-built query to be used.

Available options:

  • Campaigns: The default Campaigns overview screen in the UI.
  • Ad Groups: The default Ad groups overview screen in the UI.
  • Ads: The default Ads overview screen in the UI. Note that this particular query specifically fetches the individual components of an Expanded Text Ad, which are seen rendered together in the UI screen's Ad column.
  • Search Keywords: The default Search keywords overview screen in the UI.
  • Search Terms: The default Search terms overview screen in the UI.
  • Audiences: The default Audiences overview screen in the UI. Note that the reporting API returns audiences by their criterion IDs. To get their display names, look up the IDs in the reference tables provided in the Codes and formats page. You can key off the ad_group_criterion.type field to determine which criteria type table to use.
  • Age (Demographics): The default Age demographics overview screen in the UI.
  • Gender (Demographics): The default Gender demographics overview screen in the UI.
  • Locations: The default Locations overview screen in the UI. Note that the reporting API returns locations by their criterion IDs. To get their display names, look up the campaign_criterion.location.geo_target_constant in the geo target data, or use the API to query the geo_target_constant resource.
Start date

Define the start date for the selected pre-built query.

End date

End date for the selected pre-built query

Timeout (seconds)

When making a request, you can set a "timeout" parameter to specify a client-side response deadline in seconds. If you don't set it, the default timeout for the Google Ads API SearchStream method is five minutes.

Input Ports


Contains necessary tokens and credentials as well as customer ID to access the Google Ads API

Output Ports


KNIME table with query results

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