Google Ads Keyword Ideas (Labs)

This node generates keyword ideas from a list of keywords or webpage URLs and returns the aggregated data such as the average monthly searches, competition, average CPC, and seasonality. The node also returns the historical monthly search volumes to check trends and seasonality. The data is aggregated by month for the selected period (default is 12 months). For an overview of the Keyword Ideas service, see the Google Ads API support page.

Configuration and Usage

General Settings:

  • Specify the language and location that users are using to perform Google searches to determine the results of keyword idea metrics. For instance, if you select English as the language and Alaska, US as the location, and your keyword is in Spanish, such as "playa," the search volume of the generated ideas will be low.

Mandatory Upstream Nodes

  1. Google Ads Connector: A connection to the Google Ads Connector node is required.
  2. Seed Data: A KNIME table with the seed column "keywords" or "Webpages URLs".
  3. Geo Target Locations: Another table with the geo target location ID. The Google Ads Geo Targets node can be used to input a column with the IDs.

Node Processing Logic

  • Cost and Complexity: Due to cost and complexity, the Planning service methods are subject to separate limits from other types of requests. See the link: Google Ads API Quotas.
  • Processing Chunks: For the above reason, the node processes keywords in chunks of 20 and locations in chunks of 1 by default. The location chunks settings can be modified by unhiding the advanced settings (max 10 chunks).
  • Output Columns: The output includes two additional columns with the iteration ID and the location for which the keyword ideas were generated and their metrics.
  • Processing Time: Due to the chunks and API limit, large datasets might take a significant amount of time to be processed.

Advanced Settings

  • Retrieve data up to 4 years.
  • Option to include average CPC.
  • Option to include adult keywords in the results.


  1. Keyword Ideas with Aggregated Metrics: Provides the keyword ideas with aggregated metrics for the selected chunks of location and in the determined language.
  2. Keyword Ideas with Historical Metrics: Provides the keyword ideas with historical metrics for the selected chunks of locations. You can use downstream KNIME components to analyze seasonality, for example: KNIME Seasonality Analysis.


Keyword Ideas Input Mode

Choose to generate new keyword ideas from keywords OR webpage URLs and select the input column accordingly.

Available options:

  • Keywords: Generate new keyword ideas using specific keywords, such as meal delivery, for a food delivery business. Find more information about best practices for discovering new keywords
  • Webpage URLs: Generate new keyword ideas using a specific webpage URL, such as
Seed Column

KNIME table column containing the kewyords or webpage URLs from which fetch the ideas with the search volume. Only columns with string type are allowed.

Locations Column

KNIME table column containing the location IDs to target. Only columns with int64 type are allowed.


Select the language to target.

Available options:

  • Arabic: The Arabic language (1019)
  • Bengali: The Bengali language (1056)
  • Bulgarian: The Bulgarian language (1020)
  • Catalan: The Catalan language (1038)
  • Chinese (simplified): The Chinese (simplified) language (1017)
  • Chinese (traditional): The Chinese (traditional) language (1018)
  • Croatian: The Croatian language (1039)
  • Czech: The Czech language (1021)
  • Danish: The Danish language (1009)
  • Dutch: The Dutch language (1010)
  • English: The English language (1000)
  • Estonian: The Estonian language (1043)
  • Filipino: The Filipino language (1042)
  • Finnish: The Finnish language (1011)
  • French: The French language (1002)
  • German: The German language (1001)
  • Greek: The Greek language (1022)
  • Gujarati: The Gujarati language (1072)
  • Hebrew: The Hebrew language (1027)
  • Hindi: The Hindi language (1023)
  • Hungarian: The Hungarian language (1024)
  • Icelandic: The Icelandic language (1026)
  • Indonesian: The Indonesian language (1025)
  • Italian: The Italian language (1004)
  • Japanese: The Japanese language (1005)
  • Kannada: The Kannada language (1086)
  • Korean: The Korean language (1012)
  • Latvian: The Latvian language (1028)
  • Lithuanian: The Lithuanian language (1029)
  • Malay: The Malay language (1102)
  • Malayalam: The Malayalam language (1098)
  • Marathi: The Marathi language (1101)
  • Norwegian: The Norwegian language (1013)
  • Persian: The Persian language (1064)
  • Polish: The Polish language (1030)
  • Portuguese: The Portuguese language (1014)
  • Punjabi: The Punjabi language (1110)
  • Romanian: The Romanian language (1032)
  • Russian: The Russian language (1031)
  • Serbian: The Serbian language (1035)
  • Slovak: The Slovak language (1033)
  • Slovenian: The Slovenian language (1034)
  • Spanish: The Spanish language (1003)
  • Swedish: The Swedish language (1015)
  • Tamil: The Tamil language (1130)
  • Telugu: The Telugu language (1131)
  • Thai: The Thai language (1044)
  • Turkish: The Turkish language (1037)
  • Ukrainian: The Ukrainian language (1036)
  • Urdu: The Urdu language (1041)
  • Vietnamese: The Vietnamese language (1040)
Start date

Define the start date for the keywords historical metrics. The default is 13 months ago from the current date. The maximum date range is 4 years.

End date

Define the end date for the keywords historical metrics.

Rows per Chunk

Number of rows per chunk to send to the Google Ads API. Maximumn number of rows per chunk is 10 and the minimum 1. Note that a list of row values will be added as new column in the output.

Include Adult Keywords

Include adult keywords in the keyword ideas results. Default is False.

Include Average CPC

Indicates whether to include average cost per click value. Average CPC is provided only for legacy support. Default is True.

Input Ports


Contains necessary tokens and credentials as well as customer ID to access the Google Ads API


KNIME table that contains a list of keywords to generate ideas from


KNIME table that contains a list of location IDs to target

Output Ports


KNIME table with keyword ideas and the aggregated data such as the average monthly searches, competition, average CPC, and seasonality


KNIME table with keyword ideas and the monthly search volumes to check trends and seasonality. The data is aggregated by month for the selected period (default is 12 months).

Popular Predecessors

  • No recommendations found

Popular Successors

  • No recommendations found


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  • No workflows found



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