Google Ads Connector (Labs)

This node connects with the Google Ads API, enabling interaction with Google Ads services.

Configuration and Usage

Mandatory Upstream Node: The Google Authenticator node is required upstream. Ensure you provide the scope there if it is not listed.

User Requirements

  1. Developer Token: Available in the API Center section under Tools & Settings.
  2. Manager Account ID: Found in the top right corner of the Google Ads dashboard when logged in as a manager.
  3. Account ID: Displayed in the account overview section.

Account Requirements

  1. A Google Ads account with a Manager account is necessary to use this connector.
  2. Request a developer token using the Google Ads API link.


Developer Token

The Google developer token is needed to connect to the Google Ads API. It can be obtained following this docucmentation.

Manager Customer Id

The login-customer-id is equivalent to choosing an account in the Google Ads UI after signing in or clicking on your profile image at the top right.

Account Id

The account id of your target campaigns.

Input Ports


Google Ads credentials

Output Ports


Contains necessary tokens and credentials as well as customer ID to access the Google Ads API

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