Ruby Script

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Executes a jRuby script, taking 1 input DataTable and returning 1 output DataTable. A simple example script is included in the dialog's text window of the Script tab.

This node uses a Ruby-wrapper. See knime.rb at ruby4knime

Also, you can include additional gems from an external jRuby installation. But before that do setup jRuby path in preferences.


Script output

Append columns to input table spec
If checked, the columns as given in the list are appended to the input table specification. The number of columns in the output table equals the number of input columns plus the number of columns as given in the list. If unchecked, the output table will have exactly the same number of columns as given in the list.
Column list
Specify the column name and type of all result columns. After adding a new column, click on the name or type to change its value.


The input DataTable containing all available input from input port 0.
Output container housing the outgoing DataTable for output port 0. This must be populated with rows by the script or else there will be no output from the node.
Example use to copy all input row of DataTable:
  $in_data_0.each do |row|
    $out_data_0 << row
Example use to extend input rows by new columns:
  count = $in_data_0.length
  $in_data_0.each_with_index do |row, i|
    $out_data_0 << (row <<'Hi!').int(row.getCell(0).to_s.length))
    setProgress "#{i*100/count}%" if i%100 != 0
Example use to create new DataTable from custom data:
  $in_data_0.each do |row|
    $out_data_0 <<[0].to_s.length.to_s)

Input Ports

Table that the Ruby script will operate on.

Output Ports

Table containing the results of the Ruby script.


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