Email Sender (Labs)

Sends Emails to a list of recipients, supporting html content, reports, file attachments etc.


Email address of the intended recipient (To). Use a comma separator to specify multiple recipients.
CC (Carbon Copy) - secondary recipients (use comma to list multiple addresses).
BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) - additional recipients to receive the message (the primary recipients will not see who is copied in BCC).
Reply To
ReplyTo field. By default, a reply to an email will be addressed to the sender of the original email. This field allows changing the reply to address.
The email's subject line.

The email's message body. Formatting options can be selected in the menu bar on the top of the editor. The contents of flow variables can be inserted by using the replacement syntax "$${<TYPE><flow-variable-name>}$$". The leading <TYPE> is one of I (integer), D (double) or S (string), depending on the type of variable.

If this entire message is controlled via flow variable assignment, e.g. via the control button on the top right of the editor, the value is interpreted as HTML. Specifically any occurrence of HTML tags is interpreted unless it is escaped. For instance, a value such as <b> Message </b> will mark Message in bold. If that is not desired, reformat the variable value and escape it, i.e. as &lt;b&gt; Message &lt;/b&gt;. If the message is sent as Text (see Content Type below), any HTML-like tag is removed (stripped) from the value.

Content type
The mail body's content encoded as plain text or html.
Attachments (Manual Selection)
The path to the file to be attached to the email.
  • Attachment: The location of a file to be attached to the email.
Attachments (Input Column)
The column in the attachment input table, if enabled, containing the list of attachment locations (the column needs to be of type "path".

Input Ports

Email session defining outgoing mail server and connection properties.
A report defining the content of the email. In case the email is sent in text format, the report is attached as PDF file
A table with file attachments defined in a path column (currently only local files are supported). Alternatively, if this port is not enabled, attachments can also be individually selected in the node's configuration dialog. In order to create a path columns, use nodes such as String to Path

Output Ports

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